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Make real environmental
and social impact

Become a partner in the next-level engagement programme called the Quad Green Approach

 Within this programme you can choose to support and gain from various reforestation and biodiversity projects. The Quad Green Approach stands for real environmental and positive social impact through 1 climate impact, 2 increased biodiversity, 3 conservation and 4 social impact. Green Horizon; we do things differently.

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In a fast-evolving world in terms of population and economic growth, deforestation and loss of biodiversity are major problems: every minute, worldwide, Earth loses an area of about 36 football fields of forest. The increasing presence of climate change is threatening livelihoods and natural habitats. Urgent action needs to be taken. One way is through the re-introduction of nature’s best innovation; the carbon- and emissions-capturing powerhouses known as trees. Combine this with increased biodiversity, nature conservation and positive social impact and you have all ingredients of Green Horizon’s unique Quad Green Approach.
Our mission is to take up the challenge to have an ultimate positive impact on the restoration, conservation and improvement of ecosystems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our unique integrated Quad Green Approach maximises that positive impact which makes the horizon that much greener for all involved. 

What we Offer

Green Horizon offers clients the opportunity to participate in meaningful projects and show the world they mean business when it comes to making an impact. No so-called ‘greenwashing’ practices but real sustainable action.

​Green Horizon offers companies the opportunity to put their money where their mouth is and to get directly involved - via the Quad Green Approach - with socially-integrated, early-stage regeneration, reforestation and conservation projects through ‘Green Sponsoring’. Click here to see how we do things differently.

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Why is reforestation, conservation and biodiversity important? 

Climate change and the loss of biodiversity are interlinked and our future is critically dependent on it. The preservation and restoration of well-functioning natural landscapes and its underlying biodiversity is therefore essential for life on this planet.

In the WWF’s 2022 Living Planet report they showed that since 1970, humankind has wiped out 70% of animal populations. That’s 70% in 50 years! This is the human equivalent of losing all the people in Europe, the Americas, Africa, Oceania and China. Read this again and realize the impact…


Next to that, forests are our greatest defense against climate change and biodiversity loss, but deforestation is getting worse. Since 1990, 420 million ha of forest, the equivalent of 600 million football fields, has been lost worldwide due to deforestation. Since the end of the last great ice age – 10,000 years ago – the world has lost one-third of its forests. Half of that was lost in the last century.

Nature is sending us a clear message: act now to turn things around as we  - the people - put our life-line in danger. We need to turn things around - Now!

Through efforts such as planting trees in areas that have been degraded or deforested or the (re)introduction of biodiversity within an ecosystem, reforestation & conservation helps the environment through the re-establishment of a healthy natural landscape. By providing practical, innovative, financially sustainable and scalable projects we create real measurable and long-term positive impact for nature, climate, biodiversity and people.

Let's Work Together

The Green Horizon Foundation

Zwedenlaan 16
9403 DE Assen
The Netherlands (NL)
Chamber of Commerce: 88527107
Fiscal number (RSIN): 864669136


Tel: +31 (0)6 22 34 34 51

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