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Green Horizon has been awarded the status of Public Benefit Organization (Dutch acronym: ‘ANBI’) from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. The Dutch abbreviation means Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen. Because Green Horizon is awarded as ANBI, donations to Green Horizon may be partially or fully deducted from taxable income. See for more information on the tax benefits on the site of the Tax and Customs Administration.


Through the ANBI-status, Green Horizon does not have to pay tax on the donations or legacies we receive. Moreover, donations and legacies to Green Horizon also become tax-deductible. 

Fiscal number (RSIN): 864669136

What is an ANBI-status?

The Tax Authority grants ANBI-status to institutions that contribute at least 90% of their efforts to the general benefit, such as in our case: reforesting and conserving lands in Africa. ANBI institutions can include charities or cultural organisations.

What are the benefits of ANBI-status?

ANBI-status comes with tax benefits for Dutch tax-payers who want to make a donation to Green Horizon. This applies to periodic donations by individuals and one-time contributions by entities and can hence be deducted from income- or corporate tax.

What conditions must an ANBI-meet?

In order to be recognised as an ANBI, Green Horizon has to meet a number of requirements in addition to contributing to the general benefit. It is important that the institution does not have a profit motive. The institutions must also make certain information publicly available, such as contact details, financial data, policy plan, and current activities. This allows anyone to have insight into the functioning of an ANBI institution.

Remuneration Policy

Green Horizon currently does not have any staff other than an unpaid Board and an unpaid Supervisory Board. The consideration of hiring staff will be taken seriously in due course to raise more funds and to initiate and manage more projects.

Financial Reporting

Currently in progress as Green Horizon is a newly formed organization. Will be published upon finalization.

The main outlines of the policy plan

The aim of Green Horizon is to green, improve, restore, and manage land worldwide, protect animals, develop new natural areas, enhance ecological diversity, and implement social impact programs. All of this is done in consultation and collaboration with local residents, landowners, and governments. The focus areas currently include Africa and possibly South America, but are not limited to them.

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