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Udumuka Project


Green Horizon




Iringa, Tanzania


11 ha / 110.000 m2

The Udumuka Project is Green Horizon's first large scale project and acts as a proof of concept. This project establishes a (preliminary and) scalable model for a regionally-adapted reforestation approach to sequester carbon, restore and conserve biodiversity, and to produce products for harvest and use by local communities.
Forests and wooded ecosystems play a vital role in the local landscapes and communities, and are most likely to be successful if they are ‘multi-functional’. The design uses a holistic approach to achieve as many diverse goals as possible, while ensuring the primary goals are met.
The design is based on ecological principles that mimic local forest ecosystem dynamics – those of the ‘dry miombo woodland’ – and adapt them to meet the project constraints and goals. The dry miombo woodland is a dominant ecosystem type in the Iringa area (and large areas of Tanzania and east Africa and southern Africa).
The dry miombo woodland is an ecosystem uniquely adapted to meet challenging conditions that are also seen at the pilot site, and is present in the local area.
In this pilot significant focus has been placed on using 19.000 native plant species, and consists of the following plant species:


  • Faidherbia albida (White acacia)

  • Casuarina junghuhniana (Mountain ru)

  • Rauvolfia caffra (Quinine tree)

  • Acrocarpus Fraxinifolius (Shingle tree)

  • Syzygium cuminii (Java plum)

  • Eucalyptus grandis (Rose gum)

  • Gliricidia sepium (Gliricidia)

  • Syzygium guineense (Water berry)

  • Albizia schimperiana (Long-podded albizia)

  • Moringa oleifera (Moringa / Drum stick tree)

This project has been listed with Open Forest Protocol (OFP). OFP is an open platform allowing forest projects of any size, anywhere in the world, to measure, report and verify their forestation data on a blockchain. OFP enables the creation of high integrity carbon credits with unprecedented transparency, clear provenance, and comprehensive, incentive-aligned verification.


For additional information about the OFP listed project area please use the following link or feel free to contact us directly.

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